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Third Flower…M 说:
2016年8月09日 14:10

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Nerreencylk 说:
2016年8月09日 09:14

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Antonina KrzysztoÅ„, 说:
2016年8月09日 09:03

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When you think about 说:
2016年8月09日 06:12

When you think about it, that's got to be the right answer.

Nerreencyaf 说:
2016年8月09日 01:50

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2016年8月08日 23:14

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Oh my gosh! Okay alt 说:
2016年8月08日 22:18

Oh my gosh! Okay although I have yet to make the chocolate hazelnut cakes if you keep posting these goodies I&#8217;m gong to gain. Ore weight and become diabetic! Haha This looks so yummy:p

system didn&#39;t au 说:
2016年8月08日 21:08

system didn&#39;t automatically change the &lt; a href=&quot;#myanchor&quot;&gt; tags into links to the actual &#39;edit&#39; pages, instead of the anchors as they appear on the published page. Makes named anchors really useless if you can&#39;t edit the post without this happening.

Hola Sister in Sevil 说:
2016年8月08日 20:31

Hola Sister in Seville! I also fully and completely understand &#8220;maybe I could live here?&#8221; If you set up permanent camp, you know you will have at least one visitor. I just couldn&#8217;t help myself. I am on the verge of wanting to take Micaela to places around the world instead of having her sit in a classroom all her life&#8230;the Macchu Picchu adventure begins that &#8230; muchos besos, amiga &#8230; Theresa.PS lovely to correspond with you in this fabuloso way. Love it!Will you teach Espanol after these adventures?

What a great resourc 说:
2016年8月08日 18:54

What a great resource this text is.

same here too. at th 说:
2016年8月08日 18:52

same here too. at the studio, i can easily do 90 minute of yoga but yet at home, if i do 30 min, that's miracle.. something about focusing only on your body with a groups of people is very soothing..

Just notice under Mo 说:
2016年8月08日 18:10

Just notice under More from EXO this year: “This is Love” Review. Shouldn&#8217;t it be &#8220;What is Love&#8221;?and how do you use &#8216; and &#8221; for song/album titles? At first I thought you used &#8216; for albums and &#8221; for singles, but that doesn&#8217;t seem to be the case.

Faço coro com a min 说:
2016年8月08日 17:35

Faço coro com a minha xará acima. mas vim mesmo, à propósito do que li, foi reiterar que, sempre, &#8216;como la cigarra&#8217;, &#8220;na hora da escuridão, alguém te resgatará para seguir cantando&#8221;.Descemos todos às profundas. Voltamos só às vezes. Voltamos sós, às vezes &#8211; fênix, rabo de lagartixa.beijos, não demore.(e põe aquela foto lá no flick!!!)

Kiitos Maria, toivot 说:
2016年8月08日 17:15

Kiitos Maria, toivottavasti palaat myöhemmin asiaan. :)Minäkään en juuri katso telkkaria, vaikka se meillä onkin (kesällä en ole katsonut edes viikoittain) ja vältän ihan tietoisestikin tällaisiin kauhu-uutisiin &quot;uppoamista&quot;, etenkin niitä kuvia ja videoita. Netti on kyllä pääasiallisin uutiskanavani, meille tulee sanomalehti vain viikonloppuisin.

Sadly, people around 说:
2016年8月08日 15:50

Sadly, people around the world have applauded Mr. Jordan&#8217;s act; but alas, I think that the majority of us who find it appalling, aren&#8217;t engaged about it online because we don&#8217;t want anything to do with it.

Youre an idiot and a 说:
2016年8月08日 15:40

Youre an idiot and all who agree with this guy are retarded. Halo reach had the best halo story and is the best halo game out there. Youre just a ps3 fanboy thats jealous of halo being an exlusive. God damn idioit

Molewurf 3&nbsp; 说:
2016年8月08日 13:42

Molewurf 3&nbsp; 1Ich glaub hier würfeln sich gerade die Komments von Video 1 &amp; 2 durcheinander.Zu Video 1:Das Auto ist doch schon vorher ziemlich &#8220;geschwommen&#8221;. Auf mich macht es den Eindruck, dass er sich ein wenig zu sehr von der Musik hat mitreißen lassen.Zu Video 2:Für alle Autofahrer gilt: Schnee ist nicht Dein Freund.

Great review! You ac 说:
2016年8月08日 12:45

Great review! You actually covered some curious news in your post. I came across it by using Bing and I’ve got to admit that I already subscribed to the RSS, will be following you on my iphone :)

I can&#39;t spell wo 说:
2016年8月08日 12:01

I can&#39;t spell worth a darn! But I sure do like writing!Word I hate: F -word, my experience is those who use it don&#39;t have a very big vocabulary and use it to mean anything and everything.Favorite word - inconspicuous

Ce qu&rsquo;il y a d 说:
2016年8月08日 11:56

Ce qu&rsquo;il y a de bien, avec les chiffres, c&rsquo;est qu&rsquo;on peut les lire dans toutes les langues, d&rsquo;où l&rsquo;universalité de leur message.&#8230;j&rsquo;allais envoyer cela, et puis je me suis dit que je ferais bien de vérifier avant. Eh bien non, justement, il semble qu&rsquo;il faille faire une distinction entre les chiffres arabes occidentaux et orientaux. Quelqu&rsquo;un en sait plus ?